TICE.PT was present at the GAIA-X SUMMIT 2023 event in Alicante


TICE.PT was present at the GAIA-X SUMMIT 2023 event in Alicante

On the 9th and 10th of November, the GAIA-X SUMMIT 2023, called GAIA-Xcelerate, was held.
Gaia-X has been making remarkable strides towards market adoption, successfully implementing lighthouse projects ensuring the digitalisation of value chains in various sectors such as manufacturing, mobility, agriculture, energy and tourism. These projects are catalysts for change, integrating diverse stakeholders into common data spaces and pioneering a cooperative business model. 
Gaia-X has taken a significant leap towards transparency and trust by implementing a network of verification nodes, enabling the qualification and publication of the first Gaia-X compatible services. With Gaia-X, data sovereignty and trust are paramount, ensuring users are in full control of their data and reaping its true value.
Among others, these were the main topics addressed at the meeting where more than 500 experts were present, and where, for the first time, the TICE.PT, in its role of promoting Gaia-X Hub Portugal, was present. The event was also attended by other national companies, as well as the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Administrative Modernization, Mário Campolargo, who participated remotely in one of the sessions of the event, dedicated to the theme "Member State's Priorities: from RRF, to DGA and DA implementation, in view of the AI Act – will the EU lead the Data Economy in the end?".