CHIC – Cooperative Holistic view on Internet and Content

CHIC – Cooperative Holistic view on Internet and Content

Project type | I&DT / Programas Mobilizadores - 10/SI/2016

Reference | POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024498 e LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-024498

Lead Promoter |  MOG Technologies

Partners | Altice Labs | Associação CCG/ZGDV | Avenida dos Aliados | Cinemateca Portuguesa | Clustermedia Labs | Enigma Virtual | Global Notícias | Golfmark | Ideias e Conteúdos | INESC TEC – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência | ISEP – Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto | Novos Mares | OSTV | Sistrade | TICE.PT | Tipografia Tadinense | Universidade de Aveiro | Universidade Aberta | Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Universidade do Porto | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro | VMUSE | YOUON Consulting

Total eligible investment | 8.962.626,01 (COMPETE 2020) + 546.321,85 (LISBOA 2020)

Co-financing UE | 5.657.790,73 (COMPETE 2020) + 218.528,74 (LISBOA 2020)

Approval date | 2017-07-20

Start date | 2017-10-01

End date: |  2020-12-31

Co-funding | Lisboa 2020, COMPETE 2020, P2020, FEDER

Entidades Financiadoras
CHIC – Cooperative Holistic view on Internet and Content


Main goal:

The CHIC project has as its general objective the development of a set of products, services and systems, based on open and interoperable platforms, in order to create a true national line in this area.


Specific objectives:

The general objective of the project is associated with a set of specific objectives of a scientific/technological nature, namely:

  1. Promote the migration of current systems for capturing, producing, managing and distributing content to a paradigm based on the Cloud, thus allowing the creation of flexible workflows, open systems and new business models that address the needs of current customers and the specifics of future customers, also promoting a relocation of processes and a natural scalability of the solutions found.
  2. Enhance the national historical and cultural heritage, through the introduction of new methodologies and technological artifacts for preservation, facilitating access and interaction with them, with a view, on the one hand, to improving the public service provided to national citizens and to the diaspora and, on the other hand, the creation of expeditious mechanisms for the internationalization of these same contents.
  3. Improve the quality of service (QoS) and experience (QoE) of the final consumer of the content, through the design and conception of new immersive environments, increased or with a significant improvement in quality, which increase the number of views of the content produced and that, in this way, induce the production of new content, positively feeding the value chain and enabling the creation of new jobs, as well as the identification of new business opportunities in Portugal and abroad.


Activities and expected/achieved results:

To achieve the objectives presented above, the co-promoters of the project defined a work methodology based on twelve activities, namely:

  • Development of Cloud platforms for the production and dissemination of audiovisual content: (a) of a scientific nature; (b) in large scale events; (c) using decentralized contributions; (d) Diaspora-oriented, in local/regional media.
  • Development of technological platforms to (a) support the National Cinema Plan; (b) dissemination of content in ​​tourism and heritage area; (c) browsing online and on cable distribution systems.
  • Creation of frameworks for: (a) handling content in IP environments; (b) production and spatial referencing of content for augmented reality and/or TV; (c) production of contens to enhance the book.