Mobilizador 5G -

Mobilizador 5G -

Funding Program | 10/SI/2016

Lead Promoter | AlticeLabs

Partners | SHAR, S.A., INESC TEC, Universidade de Coimbra, Efacec Engenharia e Sistemas, SA, Efacec Energia – Máquinas e Equipamentos Eléctricos S.A, Wavecom – Soluções Rádio S.A., Nokia Solutions and Networks Portugal, S.A., Ubiwhere Lda, PDM & FC - Projecto Desenvolvimento Manutenção Formação e Consultadoria Lda., One Source, Consultoria Informática Lda, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Associação para Pólo das Tecnologias de Informação, Comunicação e Eletrónica - TICE.PT, ALTRANPORTUGAL, S.A.

Total eligible investment | : 9.719.662,19€

Execution Level | 63%

Project duration: 2018-2020

Co-financed by | Lisboa 2020, COMPETE 2020, P2020, FEDER

Entidades Financiadoras
Mobilizador 5G -



The 5GO.PT project aims to be an instrument for technology development and innovation. Thus, the major technological objective of the 5G project is: The integrated design and validation of a set of products, capable of being part of and providing services within the ecosystem of future 5G networks, gathering and harmonizing efforts of different technological companies in ​​telecommunications area, both for B2B and B2C models.

In detail, this major objective can be broken down into a set of more specific objectives:

  1. Create Innovative technology for the 5G ecosystem: develop competitive products and services aligned with the three main axes of 5G use-cases (enhanced mobile broadband, massive internet of things and mission-critical services)
  2. Create synergistic technology: guarantee the interoperability of the products developed in the project, developing national strategic alignments, capable of developing a cluster of national technologies in which the set is more competitive than the sum of the parts
  3. Enabling low-cost technologies and solutions: exploring opensource solutions for the development of products, solutions and services with carrier grade quality levels

Additionally, these objectives will be complemented by:

  1. Develop mechanisms for the dissemination and promotion of national innovation in 5G, using a cumulative set of strategies (individual and collective dissemination of the products developed; involvement of external entities to monitor the solutions to be developed; establishment of a highly visible demonstration environment that acts as a a promotion card for the products developed)
  2. Create conditions for the improvement of national technological capabilities, through greater interpenetration between industry and SCTN in this area.


Expected results:

The major objectives of the project can be broken down into the creation of new services and products, and the ambition of new markets, and include the development of:

  • A line of access products, covering the radio/optical network, end-consumer devices, and terminal devices for critical communications environments, allowing companies to increase business volume, promoting new B2B business opportunities
  • Solutions for the management of new networks and new services, taking advantage of the different thematic areas existing in 5G, including aspects of security, monitoring and quality of service – and enabling many potential niches for Portuguese SMEs in the new 5G ecosystem
  • Solutions for video applications, from personalized distribution to video surveillance, opening new markets for many companies
  • Solutions for critical environments, enhancing the impact of 5G technology in different vertical sectors (such as rail transport or security solutions), reinforcing the internationalization capacity of these companies, and allowing them to approach new markets