Multilateral Eureka Lightweighting Call 2024 for joint R&D projects

The National Funding Agencies (NFBs) of Austria, Belgium (Flanders and Wallonia), Canada, Chile, Estonia, France, Germany, Israel, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Portugal, South Korea, Spain and Turkey have awarded funding to organisations wishing to collaborate on international R&D projects in the field of Lightweighting.

For this call, a Matchmaking platform was created  that will allow the exchange of ideas and facilitate the creation of consortium.

Applications are open from May 29th to September 25th, 2024, at 4:00 p.m.


Lightweighting technology emerges as the solution that will allow the technology to reduce weight, save materials and increase recycling while maintaining or improving its functionality. Smart and lightweight design, bio-based raw materials, reuse, re-manufacturing and recycled material streams are crucial parameters to take into consideration in this regard. Digital solutions for calculation models, production processes, and the like are essential tools to drive the success of soft innovation. Lightweighting technology provides eco-friendly solutions while adding business value across industries.

The main intended effects of the use of Lightweighting technologies  are the optimization of resources and energy efficiency; creation of sustainable value chains; integration of Lightweighting  technologies in more areas.

Relevant industrial sectors include (but are not limited to): automotive, railway, aerospace, space, maritime, mechanical engineering, energy, construction, infrastructure, healthcare, agriculture, forestry, among others.

Relevant weight reduction technologies to be developed include (but are not limited to):

  • Optimizing lightweight design approaches
  • New lightweight materials, including optimized manufacturing
  • Recycling of lightweight materials
  • Joining technology – (adhesives, gaskets, welding)
  • Additive manufature
  • Digitisation
  • Life Cycle Assessment/Circular Economy


The basic requirements for projects are to offer relevant contributions to the scope of the call; to address at least one of the fields mentioned in the call description; to focus on experimental development (technological readiness levels 4-6), thus demonstrating the potential to research or develop a product, process or service for commercialization.

For additional requirements, please refer to the eligibility section.

As far as funding is concerned, the NIA covers up to a maximum of 80% of the eligible project expenses for SMEs and mid-caps, and 85% of the eligible expenses of research centres, institutions and other non-entrepreneurial entities of the innovation ecosystem (ENESII). For investments located in NUT II Lisbon, the maximum co-financing rate is 40% of the eligible expenditure for both SMEs and ENESII. The exact percentage of funding depends on the size of the company, the collaboration of the consortium, the activities to disseminate the results of the project and whether the project activities fall under the category of industrial research or experimental development.


Click here for information on the application process.

Click here for more information on the evaluation process.

See the call page here.

Register on the matchmaking platform here.

Multilateral Eureka Lightweighting Call 2024
03 Jun, 2024