TICE.PT receives representative of the Semiconductor Cluster - Florida, USA

On May 23rd, the TICE.PT received the visit of Mark Spinoglio on behalf of Cenfluence, Semiconductor Cluster of Florida, USA. In this visit we had the opportunity to present the PCI - Creative Science Park and to highlight its role in the innovation and entrepreneurship strategy of the Aveiro Region and to visit two companies representing the excellent work that is developed in the Region in the field of electronics and semiconductors, PICadvanced and Altice Labs. Confirming the strategic importance of the electronics and semiconductors area for the Central Region of Portugal, CCDR-C directly accompanied this visit.

Mark Spinoglio's visit to Portugal follows previous contacts between Cluster TICE.PT and Cenfluence, which recently formalized an MoU framing joint initiatives for cross-promotion of their respective ecosystems, including the facilitation (Soft-Landing) of access to the US market by national companies in the sector.

Cluster Semicondutores - Florida, USA
31 May, 2024