Meeting between Portuguese Business Associations and the Office of the Secretary of State for Internationalization

The Meeting between Portuguese Business Associations and the Office of the Secretary of State for Internationalization was held on July 13, starting at 10 a.m., in a hybrid regime.

Who had the opportunity to attend the session in person, it was held in the Palácio das Necessidades, Sala dos Concursos (Largo Rilvas). The TICE.PT had an active participation in the session, through an intervention of Vasco Lagarto, through the web.

The main objectives of the meeting were:

  1. make an assessment of the first year of GSEI,
  2. present the new Board of Directors and mandate of AICEP (anticipated implications on the relationship with partners, namely with business associations and other multipliers), and
  3. present the national strategy for the sustainable transition and integration of ESG criteria by exporting SMEs

The meeting was attended by the Secretary of State for Internationalization.


The session had the following agenda:


Welcome session and intervention by the Secretary of State for Internationalization.

Assessment 2022-2023 (one year of GSEINT).

New AICEP Administration and Mission Letter.

AICEP relationship and multipliers. Collaboration tools.

ESG Strategy for Exporting SMEs and the role of regional/inter-municipal authorities in Portugal


Tour de table - Interventions of the participants


End of session

Encontro entre Associações Empresariais Portuguesas e Gabinete do Secretário de Estado da Internacionalização
14 Jul, 2023