FEUP hosted the journey "How to achieve the digitalization goals of your SME"

Yesterday, January 24th, the event entitled "How to achieve the digitalization goals of your SME" took place in the Sala de Atos of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP).

This day featured debates, presentations and demonstrations related to digitalization and technological trends.

Starting at 10:00 am, with the opening session in charge of Gil Gonçalves (FEUP) and Vasco Lagarto (TICE.PT), this day especially dedicated to the theme of digitalization featured the interventions of Jorge Ferreira (Extrusal), who made a presentation on Extrusal's experience in the digitalization of its factory floor, and Ana Guiomar (FEUP) who spoke on "Technological Trends".  The morning ended with a debate on "How to achieve digitalization goals". This issue was debated by a panel composed of José Valente (AZITEK), Ana Aguiar (FEUP), Pedro Diniz (FEUP), Elisabete Rita (AIDA CCI) and Luís Neves (ENSICO), moderated by Hugo Séneca (Expresso).

FEUP offered a convivial lunch to the participants, after lunch, the session continued in the afternoon, with the intervention of Luís Miguel Silva (TICE.PT) who presented the project “CONNECT5 and the Digitize Mission”.

This was followed by the TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATION SESSIONS, in the Laboratory, on the themes of Connectivity (by Ana Aguiar), Cyber-Physical Systems (by Gil Gonçalves) and AI & Data Analytics (by Rosaldo Rossetti).

It was a very rich journey in terms of sharing knowledge related to the proposed theme, with time to scrutinize and debate some fundamental topics of digitalization and, at the same time, "see it happen", through some laboratory demonstrations.

FEUP acolheu a jornada “Como concretizar os objetivos de digitalização da sua PME”
25 Jan, 2024