TICE.PT participated in the Workshop "BIM and its Importance for the Ceramics Industry"

On February 27th, 2024, the Leonardo da Vinci Business Center, located in iParque - Science and Technology Park, in Coimbra, hosted the WORKSHOP - BIM AND ITS IMPORTANCE FOR THE CERAMIC INDUSTRY, organized by the ECP Agenda - Ecoceramics and Glassware of Portugal.

The opening session was in charge of Pedro Roseiro, from INOV - INESC Inovação, who set the tone for the event's interventions.

This was followed by Mário Campolargo, Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative Modernisation, who spoke on "THE RELEVANCE OF BIM FOR THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE COUNTRY".

After the long-awaited intervention by Mário Campolargo, it was the turn of Miguel Azenha, representative of the University of Minho, to speak on the theme "BIM AND ITS IMPORTANCE FOR THE CERAMIC INDUSTRY".

After the first scheduled interventions, there was space for a small "Questions and Answers" session that preceded the contribution of Sílvia Vara, from Visabeira R&D, who presented the Public Platform of BIM Models for the Ceramic Industry - BIMCer, an important result of the Agenda.

This was followed, moderated by Miguel Azenha, by a Round Table with the theme "THE CHALLENGES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF BIM" and which had as speakers Joaquim Danado (StratBIM), Hugo Tocha Carvalho (TUU), Nilza Paraíba (Revigrés) and Pedro Ferreirinha (HCI Construções).

The workshop was closed by Vasco Lagarto, Director of the TICE.PT.

The workshop highlighted the importance of integrating companies into the new BIM paradigm, not only as a trend that digitizes the sector, but as a crucial element for competitiveness, both nationally and internationally. The importance of BIM was also highlighted, not only in the ceramics sector, but also throughout its supply chain.

TICE.PT participou no Workshop "BIM e a sua Importância para a Indústria Cerâmica"
22 Mar, 2024